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T-SQL is a basic of structure query language. So I always want to learn T-SQL in different way to get best performance in query. And its my passion.

Monday, April 7, 2008

Date Into Word Script in T-SQL

Here this script display date into word of @acceptedDate = getdate().

declare @acceptedDate datetime
declare @result varchar(30)
declare @day int
declare @month int
declare @year int
set @acceptedDate = getdate()
declare @tempDate varchar(20)
set @tempDate = convert(varchar,@acceptedDate,101)
print 'Input Date :' + cast(@tempDate as varchar)
set @month = cast(substring(@tempDate,1,2) as int)
set @day = cast(substring(@tempDate,4,2) as int)
set @year = cast(substring(@tempDate,7,4) as int)
if((@day % 10) = 1) set @result = cast(@day as varchar) + 'st'
if((@day % 10) = 2) set @result = cast(@day as varchar) + 'nd'
if((@day % 10) = 3) set @result = cast(@day as varchar) + 'rd'
if((@day % 10) > 3) set @result = cast(@day as varchar) + 'th'
if(@month = 1 ) set @result = @result + ' ' + 'Jan'
if(@month = 2 ) set @result = @result + ' ' + 'Feb'
if(@month = 3 ) set @result = @result + ' ' + 'Mar'
if(@month = 4 ) set @result = @result + ' ' + 'Apr'
if(@month = 5 ) set @result = @result + ' ' + 'May'
if(@month = 6 ) set @result = @result + ' ' + 'Jun'
if(@month = 7 ) set @result = @result + ' ' + 'Jul'
if(@month = 8) set @result = @result + ' ' + 'Aug'
if(@month = 9 ) set @result = @result + ' ' + 'Sep'
if(@month = 10 ) set @result = @result + ' ' + 'Oct'
if(@month = 11 ) set @result = @result + ' ' + 'Nov'
if(@month = 12 ) set @result = @result + ' ' + 'Dec'
set @result = @result + ' ' + cast(@year as varchar)
print 'Date into word :' + DATENAME(dw,@acceptedDate) + ',' + @result

Output will be...

Input Date :04/14/2008
Date into word :Monday,14th Apr 2008

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